Why I Vote

The folks over at Voting Access for All Coalition have just launched a new video series titled “Why I Vote.” The goal is to motivate folks to participate in democratic elections and undestand the value of using their vote as their voice.

“Why I Vote” video featuring Ronnie Waters, Jackie Curry, and Michelle Perkins. Courtesy of Voting Access for All Coalition.

I have always felt that voting was a crucial way to be involved in my community. Every time I vote I feel a sense of pride, walking through my neighborhood, smiling at other voters, and participating in this fundamental part of our democratic process. Why I vote is less about policy than about a sense of civic duty; but of course policy is important to me as well. Depending on the election, I vote to see everyone in my community given the dignity and respect that they deserve. I vote for equity, fairness, and freedom. In relation to the mission of VAAC, this means access to housing, community services, and employment even for people with a criminal record.


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