Kenneth Gourlay is a student, activist, and technologist. He considers himself to be a pragmatic idealist, imagining what the world could be and finding reasonable steps in that direction. Having formerly been incarcerated, his life experience informs a unique perspective and a particular determination to see the world a better, interconnected, more loving place.


I am working through my PhD in Sociology. Browse my CV.

Service & Activism

A big part of my life is service. See what I’m up to.

Lessons Learned

Have a look at my book—part memoir, part self-help—about my experiences with incarceration.

WordPress Consulting

In my free time I work with WordPress websites under the agency name HTTP US.

Also check out The Unspeakable Vice Podcast.

  • Why I Vote

    The folks over at Voting Access for All Coalition have just launched a new video series titled “Why I Vote.” The goal is to motivate folks to participate in democratic elections and undestand the value of using their vote as their voice. I have always…

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  • Copaganda


    I have mentioned this author privately in the past, having been thoroughly impressed with his work on surfacing propaganda in favor of police and corrections expansion. Alec Karakatsanis continues to impress, with a recent article about police body cameras. I highly recommend subscribing to Alec’s…

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  • I am In the Fediverse!

    I am In the Fediverse!

    I have been playing around with Mastodon for a while and am starting to appreciate the Fediverse more and more. I was just recently informed about a WordPress plugin that implements ActivityPub, opening a number of additional distribution channels for my blog! I’ve always liked…

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  • Talking About Sex: A Special Case?

    Talking About Sex: A Special Case?

    People seem most comfortable discussing sex with their peers and close friends, but even then they do not necessarily communicate freely and honestly. A recent study explored when talking about sex is more difficult.

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  • Finishing a Powerboat

    Finishing a Powerboat

    Constructing the hull of my powerboat was hard enough. In fact, it made me a little nervous at the end. Consequently, I didn’t finish the hull in an orderly way. As it turns out, this is not ideal. But I was eager to get fiberglass…

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  • Building a Powerboat

    Building a Powerboat

    After building a cedar strip canoe in 2020 and enjoying it in 2021, I realized I wanted to build another boat. According to my design specifications, it had to be electric powered, fast, classy, and fit in the back of my car. After some long…

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