Author: Kenneth

  • My Canoe Needs a Paddle

    My Canoe Needs a Paddle

    After canoeing around for a couple seasons, I’ve gotten pretty good…

  • Trim and Finishing My Canoe

    Trim and Finishing My Canoe

    Installing the trim on my canoe was probably the most rewarding…

  • My Favorite Calculator (HP 48G)

    I have been taking an advanced statistics course, and most of…

  • Installing Fiberglass

    Installing Fiberglass

    At this point in the process, a lot of people watching…

  • Getting My Canoe Ready for ‘Glass

    Getting My Canoe Ready for ‘Glass

    When we left off I was nearing the end of stripping…

  • Pauline Gourlay, 1919-2020

    Pauline Gourlay, 1919-2020

    Pauline Gourlay died on October 14, 2020 in Dearborn, Michigan at…

  • Stripping My Canoe

    Stripping My Canoe

    Day Three To be honest I’ve lost track of the days,…

  • New Project: Building a Canoe

    New Project: Building a Canoe

    After finishing the launch of my podcast and my book, I…

  • Lessons Learned

    Lessons Learned

    Kenneth Gourlay has a 2020 book exploring some of the most…